Thef irst recyclable polymer-supported electrophilic fluorinating agent was preparedb yr eaction of molecular fluorine with the triethylenediamine motif that is graftedo ntoapoly(4-vinylbenzyl chloride-co-divinylbenzene) polyHIPE material. Ther esulting polymeric Selectfluor TM -type reagent demonstrated high efficiency in the fluorination of naphthol in the course of repeated sequences of fluorination and regeneration. It also reacted with the enol form and the sodium enolate of 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds.Thes ynthesiso fs electively fluorinated new chemical entitiesi sa ni mportant challenge in organic chemistry that receives an ever-growing attention due to the wide potential applications in the life science fields and materialss cience.I ndeed, the chemical positioning of af luorine atom, which possesses as trong electron-withdrawing ability andarelatively small size, often leads to stunning changes in the physical, chemical and biological properties of fluorinated compounds when compared with their non-fluorinated analogues. [1] From as ynthetic point of view,t he direct and selectivee lectrophilic fluorination of organic compounds was madep ossible thanks to ac ollection of various fluorinating agents. [2][3][4] In the early stages, sources of positive fluorinew ered esigned featuring the O-F moiety (fluoroxyperfluoroalkanes R f OF,p erfluoroacyl hypofluorites R f COOF,a nd sulfonyl hypofluorites R f SO 2 OF) but theire xplosiven ature caused their rapid phase-out. [3] Thereafter, N-F reagents emerged as safer ands helf-stable reagents for electrophilic fluorinations. [4] Aw ide range of fluorinating powerst ogether with commercial availability secured awidespread use of this class of reagents.Representative reagents include NFSI (N-fluorobenzenesulfonimide), N-fluoropyridinium salts and Selectfluor TM {1-chloromethyl-4-fluoro-1,4-diazoniabicyclo[2,2,2]octane bis(tetrafluoroborate) or F-TEDA-BF 4 ;T EDA = triethylenediamine}. These reagents have been continuously employed in aw ide variety of fluorination reactions;h owever, they suffer from poora tom-economy because of theirh ighm olecular weightf or the transfer of 19 Fand no effort was made to recover and regenerate either the benzenesulfonimide,t he pyridine moietyo rt he TEDAr esidue of the corresponding reagents.I nap revious work on enantioselective electrophilic fluorination by means of quinine-based [N-F] + + reagents conducted in ionic liquids,t he Cinchona alkaloid as wella st he solvent were recycled. [5] With av iewt oe nsuring minimization of waste generation toward ag reenerc hemistry,w ee nvisaged the preparation, applications,a nd the regeneration of de novo polymeric architectures as support for electrophilic fluorinating agents.I nt he context of green chemistry,p olymer-supported reagents offer attractive and practical approaches for the clean and efficient synthesiso fo rganic compounds. [6] Polymeric electrophilic fluorinating agents are extremely rare.I n1 986,