Sr 5 [NbN 4 ]N (transparent, red single crystals) was synthesized by reaction of Sr 2 N with Nb under nitrogen at ambient pressure and 1223 K. The crystal structure was solved and refined in the space group Pbcm (no. 57), Z ϭ 4, with lattice constants a ϭ 646.6(3) pm, b ϭ 1792.5(9) pm, c ϭ 729.8(4) pm, and R ϭ 0.019, wR 2 ϭ 0.034. The crystal structure contains both isolated tetrahedra [NbN 4 ] 7Ϫ as well as chains of corner sharing octahedra 1 ϱ (Sr 4 Sr 2/2 N 7ϩ ). Strontium is irregularly coordinated by nitrogen