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Structural and magnetic diversity in alkali-metal manganate chemistry: Evaluating donor and alkali-metal effects in cocomplexation processesMarina Uzelac, [a] Ivana Borilovic, [b] Marco Amores, [a] Thomas Cadenbach, [a], [c] Alan R. Kennedy, [a] Guillem Aromí,* [b] and Eva Hevia* [a] Abstract: By exploring co-complexation reactions between the manganese alkyl Mn(CH2SiMe3)2 and the heavier alkali-metal alkyls M(CH2SiMe3) (M= Na, K) in a benzene/hexane solvent mixture and in some cases adding Lewis donors [bidentate TMEDA, 1,4-dioxane and 1,4-diazabicyclo[2,2,2] octane (DABCO)] has produced a new family of alkali-metal tris(alkyl) manganates. The influences that the alkali-metal and the donor solvent impose on the structures and magnetic properties of these ates have been assessed by a combination of X-ray crystallographic, SQUID magnetization measurements and EPR spectroscopy. These studies uncover a diverse structural chemistry ranging from discrete monomers [(TMEDA)2MMn (CH2SiMe3) (7)). Interestingly, the identity of the alkali-metal exerts a significant effect in the reactions of 1 and 2 with 1,4-dioxane, as 1 produces coordination adduct 5, while 2 forms heteroleptic [{(dioxane)6K2Mn2(CH2SiMe3)4(O(CH2)2OCH=CH2)2}∞] (6) containing two alkoxide-vinyl anions resulting from -metalation and ring opening of dioxane. Compounds 6 and 7, containing two spin carriers exhibit antiferromagnetic coupling of their S= 5/2 moments with varying intensity depending on the nature of the exchange pathways.