The electrochemical manner was investigated for poly vinyl alcohol -gsuccinic acid by using the cyclic voltammetry mechanism. Such an investigation mostly concentrates on the expected properties of the doped polymers with different doping ratios of Malachite green (0.03, 0.06, 0.09, 0.12, and 0.15) %wt. This is specific by the electrons transmit between the dopants and both polymers, which visibly show the appearance of oxidationreduction peak accompanied log increase in electrical current Ip as applied potential changer. The heights of Ip oscillate due to the change in see rate ν. The results of linear of relationships between Ip and ν 1/2 specificed that the electron transfer was a process of one electron transfer
K E Y W O R D S Cyclic voltammetry Poly vinyl alcohol Malachite green