The positive vector optical tomogram fully describing the quantum state of spin 1/2 particle without any redundancy is introduced. Reciprocally the vector symplectic tomogram and vector quasidistributions W (q, p), Q(q, p), P ( α) are introduced. The evolution equations for proposed vector optical and symplectic tomograms and vector quasidistributions for arbitrary Hamiltonian are obtained. The quantum system of charged spin 1/2 particle in arbitrary electro-magnetic field is considered in proposed representations and evolution equations which are analogs of Pauli equation are obtained. The propagator of evolution equation in the case of homogeneous and stationary magnetic field in Landau gauge is found and the evolution of initial entangled superposition of lower Landau levels in the vector optical representation is considered. The system of linear quantum oscillator with spin in vector optical tomography representation is considered and the evolution of initial entangled superposition of two lower Fock states and spin-up, spin-down states is studied in this representation.