Articles you may be interested inPhase transition temperature and paramagnetic effect in Al1 − x Cr x K(SO4)2·12H2O (x=0, 0.07, and 0.2) crystals studied by 27Al nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation time J. Appl. Phys. 113, 17E105 (2013); 10.1063/1.4793603 Superconductivity and spectroscopy of homo-and heterofullerides of alkali metals and thallium Low Temp. Phys. 37, 245 (2011); 10.1063/1.3580512Dimer formation in bis(toluene) chromium fulleride AIP Conf.Bis͑toluene͒chromium fulleride Cr͑C 7 H 8 ) 2 C 60 has been synthesized as a microcrystalline powder from C 60 and Cr͑C 7 H 8 ) 2 in toluene. One electron is transferred from the chromium complex to the fullerene resulting in a magnetic moment of about 2.5Ϯ0.2 B at room temperature, which corresponds to two electron spins per formula unit. At 250 K a reversible phase transition from a primitive cubic high temperature paramagnetic phase to a triclinic low temperature dimer phase occurs. The high temperature phase ͑Pm3m, aϭ9.986 Å͒ is constituted of dynamically disordered fulleride anions and bis͑toluene͒chromium ͑I͒ cations in a CsCl-type arrangement. The low temperature modification is triclinic ͑P1, aϭ13.541 Å, bϭ13.864 Å, cϭ14.122 Å, ␣ϭ120.59, ϭ91.78, ␥ϭ116.88͒ and carries one unpaired electron per formula unit (ϭ1.72Ϯ0.01 B ), which according to ESR measurements is localized at the chromium site (g iso ϭ1.9870). The phase transition has been monitored by x-ray diffraction, ESR and solid state NMR spectroscopy as well as by SQUID measurements. All experimental results can consistently be described within the scenario of dimer formation of the C 60 monoanions during the transformation.