We report the synthesis and initial characterization of Ba6Y2Rh2Ti2O17, a hexagonal perovskite, prepared at ambient pressure in air at 1500 o C. In the crystal structure, face-sharing RhO6 octahedra form Rh2O9 dimers in a layered triangular geometry. The material displays a small effective magnetic moment, which must arise from the Rh ions present, and a negative Curie-Weiss temperature. The transport band gap and optical band gaps are very similar, near 0.16 eV, and thus Ba6Y2Rh2Ti2O17 is a semiconductor. A large upturn in the heat capacity at temperatures below 1 K, suppressed by magnetic fields larger than 2 Tesla, is observed. A very large Sommerfeld-like T-linear term in the specific heat (γ=166 mJ/mol f.u-K 2 ) is seen, although the material is highly insulating at low temperatures. These results suggest the possibility of a spin liquid ground state in this material.