Discovering interesting new fragance ingredients in each family of odorants and being highly innovative in an extremely competitive environment is a real challenge for small companies today 1. Synthetic organic chemistry has provided perfumers with novel ingredients that are cheaper and more stable than many natural materials over the years 2. Due to the current scarcity of natural sandalwood resources, the development of synthetic sandalwood spices are increasingly active. Molecular modeling studies were performed to develop a theoretical model of sandalwood odor compounds in order to explain the ol-factory recognition as well as to predict, if a new compound might possess sandalwood scent 3. With the help of such comparisons a model for sandalwood fragrance molecules was developed 4. 7-Methoxy-3,7-dimethyloctan-2-ol (methoxy elgenol) usually exhibits sandalwood-type and it was also our initial aim when we synthesized the new derivatives. It is well known that certain prerequisites need to be met to obtain a sandalwood odor 1 , such as an optimal distance between a bulky group and the osmophore group, the most polar functional group, which, in most cases, bears an O-atom, which in the sandalwood family most often is a OH function 5,6,7 .