Nanoporous glasses, that is, structural glasses with large quantities of nanoscale porosity, are the cornerstone of several emerging technologies. The most prominent example is the semiconductor industry where interlayer dielectric (ILD) insulator films are critically needed to both reduce the resistance-capacitance time delay of the interconnect circuitry and reduce the cross-talk between adjacent conduction lines. For next-generation semiconductors these materials need an ultralow dielectric constant (k < 2.2) while being compatible with patterning processes where the minimum features are smaller than 40 nm. [1][2][3][4][5][6] These structures, owing to their size and dielectric requirements, can only be realized by introducing large quantities of nanoscale porosity. Other technologies where nanoporous glasses are of significant interest include catalyst supports, [7] separations and membranes, [8] laser materials, [9] optical waveguides, [10] sensors, [11] and applications in biotechnology. [12,13]