Poly aluminum-ferric Chloride (PAFC) is a new type of high efficiency coagulant. In this study, high iron type gangue is used as a main raw material. It is calcined at 675 °C for 1 h and 3% CaF2 is added to the calcined powder and reacted with 20% hydrochloric acid at 93 °C for 4 h. The leaching ratio of aluminum ions is 90% and that of iron ions is 91%. After Fe2+ ions are oxidized in the filtrate, CaCO3 is used to adjust the pH of the filtrate to 0.7. The microwave power is adjusted to 80 W and the filtrate is radiated for 5 min. After being aged for 24 h, PAFC product is obtained. The prepared PAFC is used to treat mine water and compared with the results of PAC and PAF, the turbidity removal ratio of PAFC is 99.6%, which is greater than 96.4% of PAC and 93.7% of PAF. PAFC is a mixture with different degrees of polymerization. It demonstrates that extracting aluminum and iron ions from high iron content gangue to prepare PAFC by microwave is efficient and feasible.