intensities. We obtained the highest FL for Q-CdS adsorbed onto GaAs for each of the three relative sizes of quantum dots. We suspect that this latter observation may be due to radiative recombination between electrons confined to the quantum dots with holes captured at the shallow acceptor level of the GaAsquantum dot interface. With an eye toward future HEM device applications, this higher FL emission would suggest further study of functionalized Q-CdS adsorbed onto GaAs.
CONCLUSIONSWe have examined the FL spectra of AOT (dioctyl sulfoccinate) capped cadmium sulfide quantum dots (Q-CdS) deposited upon gold (Au), insulator (mica), and semiconductor (GaAs) substrates for their potential use in hybrid optoelectronic devices. Relative dot sizes were synthesized to increase from 1 to 5 nm with a respective increase in heptane concentration from 40 to 80 lL. Excitation and emission spectra are presented for the 200-400 nm and 400-700 nm ranges, respectively. For the smallest (40 lL heptane) quantum dots, a clear red shift in FL emission peak wavelength is observed from the Au, to mica, to GaAs substrate-based samples. For the midrange (70 lL) and largest (80 lL) Q-CdS samples, the longest emission peak wavelengths are observed for the quantum dots physisorbed to Au substrates with a subsequent decrease and then increase in emission wavelengths for the mica and GaAs substrate-based samples, respectively. Of the three types of substrates used, Q-CdS deposited upon GaAs exhibited the highest FL emission intensity, which bodes well for the possible integration of HEMs into next-generation device technology.ABSTRACT: A simple sensor using half the length of a 3-cm fiber Bragg grating embedded on a cantilever is proposed for the simultaneous measurement and discrimination of strain and temperature. The response of the sensor is linear from 30 to 200 C, and its strain and temperature sensitivities are found to be 3.38 pm/lm 19.05 pm/ C, respectively.ABSTRACT: A new silicon-based differential stacked spiral inductor (DSSI) was implemented using a standard 0.18-lm complimentary metal-oxide semiconductor technology. Based on the measured two-port S-parameter using a standard de-embedding procedure, the selfresonance frequency, f sr , and quality factor, Q, of the new DSSI were compared with a conventional DSSI. The f sr of the new DSSI was nearly twice as high as that of the conventional DSSI, and the Q value of the new DSSI was also enhanced.