“…Synthesised by ring-closing metathesis on 2-C-hydroxymethyl-L-erythrose acetonide (Totokotsopoulos, et al, 2008) Chain-extended Se, S, and N analogues of the glucosidase inhibitor salacinol MALDI For structure-activity studies 1-Epi-valienamine TOF (THAP) Cyclohexene -part of the structure of acarbose (Cumpstey, et al, 2008) Fluorescent fructose derivatives TOF Fluorophores 7-nitro-1,2,3-benzadiazole (NBD) and Cy5.5 for imaging breast cancer cells (Levi, et al, 2007) Fructose-fused γ-butyrolactones and lactams TOF (DHB) As GABA receptor ligands (Araújo, et al, 2008) Peracetylated C-glycoside ketones R-TOF (DHB) For EI fragmentation studies Me-3,4-di-O-Ac-1,5-anhydro-2-deoxy-D-arabino-hex-1-enopyranuronate TOF For X-ray diffraction and NMR study (Liberek, et al, 2007) Me (Me 4-O-Ac-3-azido-2,3-dideoxy-a/b-D-arabino-anda/b-D-ribo-HexpA TOF Synthesis and geometry (Tuwalska, et al, 2008a) Methyl 3-amino-2,3-dideoxyhexopyranosidic acids TOF Synthesis and conformational analysis (Tuwalska, et al, 2008b) β-D-Rhamnopyranosides TOF (DHB) 2-Naphthylmethyl ether to make a temporary linkage as a mixed acetal (Lee, et al, 2008c) S-Alkylated sulfonium ions TOF (DHB) Alkyl group on thiopentoses (Mohan, et al, 2007) Sialic acid azide TOF (DHB) Study into the mechanism of action of Trypanosoma cruzi trans-sialidase (Damager, et al, 2008) Sulfonic acid analogues of Nacetylneuraminic acid TOF First synthesis. from 1-thio-L-fucoside derivatives (Szabó, et al, 2008) Oligosaccharides α-Acarviosinyl-(1-9)-3-α -Dglucopyranosylpropen TOF From acarviosine-glucose and 3-α-Dglucopyranosylpropen Arabinofuranoside glycodynamers TOF "Dynamic" molecules by replacement of glycosidic link with oxime (Ruff & Lehn, 2007) Arabinoxylobiose TOF/TOF (DHB)…”