IntroductionThe capacity of 2,6 -bis(arylimino)pyridine -iron(II) and -cobalt(II) halide complexes, on activation with methylalumoxane ( MAO ), to act as exceptionally active catalysts (comparable with Group 4 metallocenes) for the conversion of ethylene to high density polyethylene ( HDPE ) was fi rst disclosed independently by Brookhart, Bennett and ourselves in 1998 ( Figure 5.1 ) [1 -7] . The signifi cance of this discovery was further highlighted by the complete absence at the time of examples of iron and cobalt complexes in olefi n polymerization applications. In comparison with early transition metal -based catalysts such as metallocenes, these late transition metal systems offer some distinct advantages which range from their relative ease of handling and manipulation, their reduced oxophilicity, to the cost -effectiveness and low toxicity of the metal centers employed. Moreover, by simple modifi cation of the 2,6 -bis(arylimino)pyridine ligand frame, exceedingly effi cient iron and cobalt oligomerization catalysts can also be generated, facilitating the formation of highly linear α -olefi ns with near ideal Schulz -Flory distributions. Since these initial fi ndings the past decade has witnessed a dramatic growth in reports associated with this class of late transition metal catalysts, and clear structure -activity relationships have emerged.This chapter is concerned with highlighting some of the more notable advances that have come to light as a result of identifying key factors that infl uence catalyst performance, particularly those related to precatalyst structure. The importance of the initiator and the role played in chain transfer is probed. Current mechanistic understanding is examined from both a spectroscopic and a computational viewpoint while efforts to prepare well -defi ned iron or cobalt alkyl catalysts are discussed. Efforts to heterogenize these homogeneous catalysts are briefl y reviewed, as is their use in multi -component catalysis.The reader is referred to a series of reviews for more general overviews of postmetallocene α -olefi n polymerization catalysts [8 -12] , while recent reviews relating to the versatility of 2,6 -bis(imino)pyridines and to iron -and cobalt -based catalysis itself have also been documented [13 -15] .