The low level nuclear waste (LLW) resulting from the use of radioactive isotopes in medicine, industry, laboratories, and other purposes can be immobilized by vitrification, using methods applied in the nuclear power industry. Borosilicate glass is providing the very suitable medium for the majority of the species present in these wastes. Management of LLW waste begins with combustion reducing their amount. The paper presents the results of model studies of vitrification of hospital waste by incorporating it into the composition of boro-aluminosilicate glass, similar to those used in nuclear power industry. The proposed borosilicate waste glass composition was: SiO 2 -56.0, B 2 O 3 -15.0, Na 2 O-21.0, and Al 2 O 3 -8.0 (mass %). The ashes were mixed in different amount with the glass frit and then remelted to obtain homogenous melt which was vitrified. The influence of the main ash components on the thermal properties of the vitrified waste was studied using DSC and heating microscopy methods. The glass transformation, crystallization and melting temperatures, and Hruby glass stability against crystallization parameter were determined. The correlations between DC p , T g, and K H were observed and discussed.