Abstract:Reactions between Sn(EfPh), (E' = S or Se; n = 2 or 4) and the bis(pyridine) dichalcogenides 2,2'-(C,H,NE), (E = Se or Te), abbreviated py2E2, have been studied using multinuclear (77Se, lI9.Sn, I2,~e) magnetic resonance. In this way the occurrence of the pyridine-2-chalcogenate complexes Sn(EfPh),-,(Epy), (E' = S or Se; E = Se, x = 1 4 ; E = Te, x = 1 or 2) has been demonstrated. The pattern of 1 1 9~n NMR chemical shifts for Sn(EfPh),-,(Sepy), (E' = S or Se, x = 0-4) is consistent with bidentate bonding for the pySe-ligand when x = 1 and 2. The pyTe-ligand is probably bidentate also in all four complexes containing this ligand. As part of the NMR analysis, 7 7~e and (or) 12,~e NMR data were obtained for py,Te, and for the new mixed dichalcogenides PhE'ER (E' = S, Se, or Te; E # E' = Se or Te; R = 2-py or Ph), which were produced in the systems Ph2Ef2:R2E2. The complex Sn(SPh),(Sepy), (1) was isolated pure and its structure determined by the single crystal X-diffraction technique. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2,ln, with unit cell dimensions a = 9.7929(9) A, b = 22.340(2) A, c = 11.368(1) A, P = 108.803 (7) (1)' and 65.8(1)". En route to 1, the yellow crystalline compound Sn(SPh),,,,(2-Se-C,H,N),,,, (2) was isolated. This was shown by l i 9~n NMR spectroscopy to contain both Sn(2-Se-C,H,N),(SPh), and Sn(2-Se-C,H,N),(SPh). The crystal and molecular structure of 2 was determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction techniques. Crystal data: monoclinic, space group P2,ln, a = 9.795(2) A, b = 22.355(4) A, c = 11.362(2) A, P = 108.87(3)", V = 2354.2(8) A3, dcalc = 1.837 g ~m -~, dabs = 1.87(5) g ~m -~, Z = 4, R1 = 0.0306, wR2 = 0.065 1 for 2756 data (F, 2 4u(F0)) and 258 parameters.Crystallographic evidence for the presence of co-crystallized Sn(2-Se-C,H,N),(SPh) occurs only in a minor lengthening of one of the two Sn-S bonds, Sn-S(1) (compared with expectation for I), and an excess of electron density at S(l) when the data are modelled as Sn(2-Se-C,H,N),(SPh),. These effects are attributed to a crystallographic disorder of SPh and 9 1 -{ 2 -~e -~5~4~} at the S(1)Ph site, involving isostructural S~(~~-{~-S~-C~H,N}),((~~-{~-S~-C,H,N})(SP~) and S~(~~-{~-S~-C,H,N})~(SP~),.Key words: pyridine-2-selenolate, pyridine-2-tellurolate, tin complexes.RCsumC : Utilisant la rCsonnance magnCtique de noyaux multiples ( 7 7~e , Il9sn, Iz5~e), on a CtudiC les rkactions entre le Sn(EfPh), (E' = S ou Se; n = 2 ou 4) et les dichalcogCnures de bis(pyridine) 2,T-(C,H,NE), (E = Se ou Te), reprksentks en abrkgk par py,E,. On a pu ainsi dCmontrer la formation des complexes 2-chalcogCnates de pyridine Sn(EfPh),-,(Epy), (E' = S ou Se; E = Se, x = 1 4 ; E = Te, x = 1 ou 2). L'allure des dkplacements chimiques de la RMN du " 9~n du composC Sn(EfPh),-,(Sepy), (E' = S ou Se, x = 0-4) est en accord avec une liaison bidentate pour le ligand pySe-lorsque x = 1 et 2. Le ligand pyTe-est probablement bidentate dans tous les quatre complexes oh on le retrouve Cgalement. Dans le cadre de cette analyse par RMN, on obten...