“…A simulation scheme is defined by the reaction niecha- c, a-Fru(l,6)P2f, PI (x-furanose [15], 23% of total derived from "P spectra); f, g, b-and u-Glc6Pp (60%, 40% of total, respectively [16]); h, Sed7P; i, RuSPIXuSP (unresolved); j, m, b-Sed(l,7)PJ; 74% oftotal [14]; 1, /l-Fru(l,6)P2f, P1,77% of total [15]; n, GrnP (ketone) [15], 55% of total); o, Fru6P/~-Fru(l,6)P~(unresolved); p, RibSP; q, u-Fru(l,6)PZf, P6, [15]; r, AMP; U1 -U3 refer to unassigned resonances; the asterixed peaks arc spectrometer artefacts…”