Since it was fi rst successfully prepared as a true two-dimensional nanomaterial, graphene has attracted tremendous attention for its unique structure and outstanding properties. [ 1 , 2 ] Graphene is one of the best candidates for numerous applications in functional devices such as gas sensors, [ 3 ] photovoltaics, [ 4 ] and fi eld-effect transistors. [ 5 ] The versatile approach of chemical modifi cation on the graphene basal planes or edges affords nanomaterials with additional novel functions. [ 6 ] If chemically modifi ed graphene is used as a fi ller, the electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties of polymer-based nanocomposites can be dramatically enhanced at a very low fi ller content. [ 7 , 8 ] Recently, the optical properties of single-layered graphene have aroused considerable research interest. [9][10][11][12][13] Although the refl ection and transmission of graphene have been intensively studied, little is known about the effect of graphene on the optical properties of the nanocomposites. Graphene has a two-dimensional (2D) ordered structure with unique electronic band structure, in which the conduction band touches the valence band at two points in the Brillouin zone. [ 9 , 10 ] Electrons in 2D structures behave like massless Dirac fermions and could show unique interactions with electromagnetic fi elds. Graphene possesses visual transparency, defi ned by the fi ne structure constant, with high transparency (97.7%) and refractive index (2.6-3) in the visible light range. [9][10][11][12][13] In view of these unique characteristics, the interaction between light and the nanocomposite fi lms could be a subject with great scientifi c signifi cance, and the results could be used to improve upon conventional polymers and other organic materials for optical applications.In this Communication, we report the preparation of singlelayered graphene grafted with azo polymer brushes and its interesting use to signifi cantly enhance the diffraction efficiency (DE) of photoinduced surface-relief gratings (SRGs) on azo molecular glass fi lms. The chemical structures of the functionalized graphene (G-PCN) and azo molecular glass (TrAz-CN) used in this work are shown in Figure 1 . Azobenzene and its derivatives are well-known for their reversible trans-cis isomerization induced by light irradiation. [ 14 ] Polymers containing azobenzene or its derivatives (azo polymers for short) have been intensively investigated for their photoresponsive properties and potential applications in diffractive optical elements, information storage, optical switching, nonlinear optics, sensors, and actuators. [ 15 , 16 ] SRG formation is a reversible surface modulation related to mass transport induced by irradiation with interfering laser beams. [ 17 , 18 ] It can be used as a one-step photofabrication method to prepare various surface patterns. More recently, amorphous molecular materials containing azo chromophores have also been used for SRG studies, which show a fast SRG forming rate and large surface modulation. [19][20][2...