Fourteen ketone/thione-stabilized triphenylphosphonium methylides were subjected to conventional gas-phase and flash vacuum pyrolysis (FVP). The kinetics of the first-order thermal gas-phase reactions of all these compounds were investigated over 360-653 K temperature range. The values of the Arrhenius log A and energy of activation of these ylides averaged 11.52 W 0.34 s S1 and 133.20 W 3.14 kJ mol S1 , respectively. The products of sealed-tube (static) and FVP were analyzed and compared. A mechanism is proposed to account for the products of reaction. The rate constants [k (s S1 )] of the substrates at 500 K were calculated and used to substantiate the proposed mechanism of pyrolysis, and to rationalize the thermal gas-phase reactivities of the ylides under study.