The synthesis of the N-aminocarbazole R-NH 2 (2) is reported. Subsequentr eaction with bis[bis(trimethylsilyl)amido]tetrylenes E[N(SiMe 3 ) 2 ] 2 (E = Ge, Sn, or Pb) allowed the isolation of formal hydrazidotetrylene derivatives, RÀN(H)EN(SiMe 3 ) 2 (3)t hat includes the first example of ah ydrazidoplumbylene to date. Thermal decomposition of these compounds resulted in the eliminationo f "NH" and afforded the tetrylenes R-EN(SiMe 3 ) 2 (4).Bulky substituents enabled the synthesis of low-coordinate main-group species in low oxidation states. [1] Prime examples of such species are multiple-bonded systems beyond the 2p elements.T he first heavy congeners of alkenes were reported by Lappert in 1976 and West in 1981, who isolated ad istannene, R 2 Sn=SnR 2 (R = CH(SiMe 3 ) 2 ) [2] and ad isilene, Mes 2 Si=SiMes 2 . [3] Enhancing the steric bulk in of the employed substituents allowed synthetic access to tetrylenes, monomeric R 2 Eu nits, [4] which are the heavy analogues of carbenes.L ater,P ower, [5][6][7] Sekiguchi, [8] To kitoh, [9,10] and Jones [11,12] succeeded in the synthesis of analogues of alkynes, with every groupe mploying a different class of substituents:P ower utilized the terphenyls he broughtt op opularity,S ekiguchid eveloped as ilyl substituent stable enough to withstand the high Lewis acidity of the disilyne, To kitoh employed silylated mesityl derivatives, and Jones utilized his extremely bulky aryl(silyl)amido substituents.These three classes of compounds-tetrylenes( R 2 E), ditetrylenes (R 2 E=ER 2 ), and ditetrylynes (REER)-are archetypical highly reactive main-group compounds and their reactivity has been investigatedi ng reat detail. [13,14] Am uch less developed field of chemistry focuseso nt he relatedh eteronuclear multiple bonds. Therea re reports on many instanceso fs ilenes, [15] phosphaalkenes, [16] and phosphaalkines, [17] since the seminal reports by the groupsofBrook and Becker.Other heteroatomic multiple bond systems were prepared more recently,s uch as analogueso fd iazonium salts ([R-NE] + ,E= P, As), [18,19] as well as exampleso fasilyne( R-SiC-R') [20] and ag ermyne (R-GeC-