(2014) Quantitative adsorbate structure determination for quasicrystals using X-ray standing waves. Physical Review Letters, Volume 113 . Article number 106101. Permanent WRAP url: http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/65512
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AbstractThe quantitative structure determination of adsorbed species on quasicrystal surfaces has so far appeared to present insurmountable problems. The normal incidence standing X-ray wavefield (NISXW) technique offers a simple solution, without extensive datasets or large computations. Its application to quasicrystals raises several conceptual difficulties that are related to the phase problem in X-ray diffraction. We demonstrate their solution for the case of Si atoms adsorbed on the decagonal Co-rich Al-Co-Ni quasicrystal to determine the local structure, comprising 6-atom clusters in particular hollow sites.