Synthesis and Structure of Derivatives of 9-(2-Oxopropyl)-1,5-dinitro-7,8-benzo--3-azabicyclo[3.3.1]non-7-en-6-ones. -Mannich reaction of the Yanovsky adduct (III) of 2,4-dinitronaphthol provides the title compounds (VI), which are new compounds interesting both as synthons for organic synthesis and as potential biologically active compounds. Their structure and conformation are established by molecular spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis. -(YAKUNINA, I. E.; SHAKHKELDYAN, I. V.; ATROSHENKO, Y. M.; BORBULEVICH, O. Y.; NESTEROV, V. V.; KOPYSHEV, M. B.; TROITSKII, N. A.; EFREMOV, Y. A.; ALIFANOVA, E. N.; SUBBOTIN, V. A.; Russ.