Objects of modern technology located in the rain zone experience additional loads and can be destroyed due to water droplet erosion. With a significant number of successive impacts in a certain period of time, rain causes damage to the surface of materials or structures. It should be noted that supersonic water droplet impact has a low probability of occurrence; however, the peak pressure impulse of the water hammer (up to GPa level) far exceeds the strength of many materials, and a small number of impacts are enough to damage the material or structure. Therefore, it is very interesting to determine the external load caused by a water droplet’s impact and its response to various obstacles. In this work, the external load is determined on the basis of experimental studies. To carry out such tests, a single-jet generator is most widely used, which, with a certain ease of operation, makes it possible to investigate the mechanisms of damage to materials and the effect of water droplet impact erosion on structural elements. Based on the obtained research results, mathematical modeling of the droplet impact with an obstacle is provided. The examples are considered.