An ew type of dimeric cyclic naphthalene diimide derivatives (cNDI-dimers)c arrying varied linker length were designed and synthesized to recognize dimeric G-quadruplex structures.A ll of the cNDI-dimerse xhibited ah igh preference for recognizing G-quadruplex structures, and significantly enhanced the thermals tability of the dimeric G-quadruplex structure over the cNDI monomer by increasing the melting temperature by more than 23 8C, which indicated the strengthened ability of cNDI dimers for stabilizing dimeric G-quadruplex. cNDI dimers also showed as tronger abilityt oi nhibitt elomerase activity and stop telomereD NA elongationt han cNDI monomer,w hich showed an improved anticancer potentiality for further therapeutic application.Te lomerase was thought to be essential for the immortalization of human cells, for its function in restoring telomeric DNA sequences. [1] It has been reported that telomerase was up-regulated in 85 %o fh uman cancerc ells, [2,3] and itsm utant with complete-activity inhibition could lead to the death of tumor cells. [4] In addition, telomerasei sg enerally not expressed in most normalh uman cells. These critical features lead to the rapid development of telomerase-targeted cancer therapiesi n advanced clinicaltrials. [5][6][7] Over past two decades, the four-stranded G-quadruplex nucleic acid structure has been of great interest as ap otential therapeutict arget, [8,9] for the important roles it has played in regulating gene expression and even translation. [10] It also has been proved that G-quadruplex structures formed in G-rich telomeric DNA can inhibitt elomerase activity. [11][12][13] For this reason,i ti sc onsidered as ap romising therapeuticp ath to develop small molecules, working as G4 ligands, to selectively stabilizeh uman telomeric DNA with four-stranded G-quadru-plex structures, further enhancing the inhibition of telomerase activity and inducing cancer cell death. [14] In addition, some reports already suggested that the G-quadruplex structure in the telomeric sequence assembled like beads on as tring, [15,16] G4 ligands which can selectively target multiple G4 repeats might be promisingf or furthere nhanced specificity on inhibiting telomerase function, and are attractingmore attentionf rom Gquadruplex researchers. Over the past several years, some ligandd imers [17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24] and tetramers [25] have been reported with a stronga bility to recognize dimerico rm ultiple G-quadruplex structures,w hich is supportedb yt he fact that the G4 ligand multimer might be ag ood model for stabilizing G-quadruplex repeats.As one important G4 ligand, naphthalene diimide can recognize the G-quadruplex structure through p-p stacking, [26] and its binding affinity to G-quadruplexw as rarely affected even underi nv ivo mimic molecular crowding conditionsa nd may represent superior telomerasei nhibitors in cell nuclei. [27,28] Our group has been workingo nd esigning novel G4 ligands with improveds pecificity for recognizingG -quadruplex, [29][30][31] and previously we...