anilines · Jahn-Teller effect · radical cations · spin contaminationIn a recent publication, [1] Chen et al. have claimed the isolation of a persistent radical-cation salt derived from 2,4,6tri-tert-butylaniline (TBA) by its prolonged ( % 24 h) reaction with equimolar AgSbF 6 in dichloromethane at ambient temperatures with > 80 % yield. They have determined the structure of this radical-cation salt by single-crystal X-ray crystallography at 123 K (À150 8C) and found that this radical cation exhibits a long C Ar À N bond length of 1.496 . They have also claimed that the aromatic ring in the crystalline radical cation undergoes a temperature-dependent transformation from a bisallyl to a quinoidal geometry, while the C Ar ÀN bond length remained largely unaffected (see structures below).This highly unusual crystallographic observation in TBA + C was reconciled by ab initio calculations using an unrestricted MP2 method. Based on our extensive experience with organic cation radicals, [2] this finding was highly troubling because of the lack of involvement of the nitrogen lone pair in stabilizing the cationic aryl group (i.e. long C Ar ÀN bond) and the fact that the electronic reorganization of aromatic ring required such high temperatures (i.e. + 100 8C).In order to understand this highly unusual finding, we have redetermined the single-crystal X-ray structure of this supposed TBA salt at different temperatures and now unequivocally show that it is protonated aniline and not an aniline radical cation. Below, we carefully outline various experimental and computational missteps that led these authors [1] to incorrectly identify this salt.