Semiconductor materials are categorized by their chemical composition. There are some basic semiconductors, for example silicon (Si) and germanium (Ge), which are part of group IV elements. There are compound semiconductors, binary, ternary and quaternary, and the most common are III-V semiconductors. One of them is a quaternary semiconductor compound GaxIn1 -xAsySb1 -y (Gallium Indium Arsenide Antimonide) composed of group III elements, for example, gallium (Ga) and indium (In), and group V elements, for example, arsenide (As) and antimonide (Sb). Semiconductors constituted of III-V compounds have great potential for technological applications. They are used in advanced optoelectronic devices, microelectronics and photovoltaic cells due to their properties (robust, high thermal conductivity, direct band gap, etc.). They have been extensively studied over the past decades due to the high quality of these materials and their exceptional optical and electronic characteristics. This work describes the energy gap Eg as a function of x at T = 300 K, effective density of states (Nc and Nv) in the conduction and valence bands, intrinsic carrier concentration ni as a function of temperature T for GaxIn1 -xAsySb1 -y semiconductors (compositions lattice-matched to GaSb and InAs), and temperature dependence of the energy band gap Eg for GaSb and InAs using MATLAB.