The synthesis of tetrasubstituted tetradehydro [18]-and [22]annulenes containing a diacetylene and a hexapentaene unit has been accomplished by reductive dehydroxylation of corresponding 18-membered and 22-membered cyclic glycols. On the basis of these studies, a general method of preparation of tetrasubstituted didehydro[4w + 2]annulenes containing an acetylene and a butatriene unit has been developed. The didehydro[4n + 2]annulenes (n = 3 ~ 7) were found to be diatropic and to have high conformational stability. The n.m.r. spectral properties of the didehydroannulenes have been discussed. The synthesis of didehydro[14]annulenes annelated with naphthalene or benzene has been achieved, and the effect of annelation on π-electron delocalization of the annulene ring has been discussed.