A review article has been conducted including the main research results and comments referring to flowable dental polymeric materials. To begin with, the synthesis and composition of this category of composites is discussed, revealing the major components of the commercial products in terms of chemistry and proportion. Later, the polymerization characteristics are unfolded regarding the reaction time and rate, volumetric shrinkage and depth of cure for both photocurable and self-curable composites. To continue, some perspectives of the pre-treatment or accompanying processes that a clinician may follow to enhance the materials’ performance are described. Fluidity is certainly associated with the progress of polymerization and the in-depth conversion of monomers to a polymeric network. Last, the aspects of radiopacity and translucency are commented on, showing that all flowable polymeric composites satisfy the radiography rule, while the masking ability depends on the fillers’ properties and specimen thickness. The reviewing article is addressed to all field scientists and practitioners dealing with flowable dental composites studies or applications.