Glycohexadecapeptides representing the tandem repeat sequence of the epithelial mucin MUC4 were prepared by applying a solid-phase methodology. The required glycosyl amino acid building blocks containing the tumour-associated saccharide antigens T N -, T,-sialyl-T N , (2,6)-and (2,3)-sialyl-T were synthesized according to a straightforward biomimetic strategy by stepwise extension of the saccharide side chain of a Fmoc-protected galactosamine threonine tert-butyl ester.The epithelial mucin MUC4, which was first isolated from tracheobronchial tissue in 1991, 1 occurs in membrane-bound and secretory forms, 2 among others in lung, cervix, stomach, intestine and colon. 3 MUC4 is a heterodimer consisting of a mucin-like a-chain and a membrane-associated b-chain connected via a proteolytic cleavage site GDPH. Within the extracellular a-chain, a large region (PTS) rich in proline, threonine and serine containing a variable number of tandem repeats 1 of 16 amino acids and comprising 2334-6334 amino acids is located. 4
Figure 1The apomucin of MUC4 is the largest among the mucins known so far. Because of the numerous O-glycans, in particular within the tandem repeat region, it adopts a stretched structure reaching 1.1-2.1 mm (MUC1 0.5 mm for comparison) beyond the cell membrane. 5 Therefore, MUC4 is assumed to maintain important functions in cellcell communication. In tumour cells of different tissues, an abnormal expression of MUC4 has been observed, and MUC4 is the only tumour-associated mucin found on pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells. 6With these properties, MUC4 similarly to MUC1 constitutes an important target molecule for the induction of tumour-selective immune responses. An enhanced expression of mucins is frequently found in tumour cells and concurrent with incomplete formation and premature sialylation of the carbohydrate side chains resulting from changed activities of glycosyl transferases. 7 The aberrant carbohydrate structures do not only constitute tumourassociated antigens themselves, but also afford access of the immune system to new, tumour-specific epitopes of the peptide backbone completely covered by large carbohydrates in mucins of normal cells. 8 Since the altered carbohydrate antigens can also influence the conformation of the peptide backbone, conjugates of such tumour-associated glycans with peptide sequences of the tandem repeat region of mucins provide a promising structural basis for the development of synthetic tumourselective glycopeptide vaccines. 9 We describe here the syntheses of single and double glycosylated complete tandem repeat sequences 1 of MUC4, for which the threonine building blocks with the most important tumour-associated saccharide antigens T N , T, sialyl-T N , (2,6)-sialyl-T and (2,3)-sialyl-T have been synthesized according to a consistent biomimetic strategy.Conjugates of amino acids with oligosaccharides usually are prepared by first synthesizing the oligosaccharides which are then coupled to suitable amino acid derivatives. 10,11 Alternatively, N-glycopeptides with l...