Natural coumarin and phenoxycoumarin bioregu lators have a broad range of physiological activity and are a fertile field for chemical modifications
[1].Traditionally, substituted and unsubstituted 3 phe noxycoumarins are synthesized using the Perkin reac tion [2], the Edgeworin synthesis procedure [3], the Kostanetsky-Robinson reaction, or modified versions of them
[4].The most common method used to synthesize phe noxycoumarins containing O aryl substituents in the 3 position is the interaction of the appropriate alde hydes with phenoxyacetic acids and their functional derivatives. Compounds possessing antimicrobial [2], herbicidal, fungicidal, and insecticidal activity, as well as activity against dermatophytes [5], were identified during the study of biological activity.
Abstract-The synthesis of substituted and unsubstituted 3 phenoxycoumarins is described.