Scheme 3. Scope of the directed etherification of aromatic carboxylates. Reaction conditions: 1.00 mmol 1 a-t, 1.20 mmol 2 a-i, 0.25 mmol Cu(OAc) 2 , 1.00 mmol Ag 2 CO 3 , 1 atm. O 2 , 5 mL DMF, 140 8C, 36 h. [a] With 5 mmol B(OR) 3 . [b] With 10 % methylester. [c] With 12 % methylester. [d] With 19 % quinoline.Scheme 4. Alkoxylation with a trialkoxyborate that was generated in situ.Scheme 5. Evidence against the formation of (acetyl)phenols as intermediates.