Abstract. Oligoribonucleotides conjugates and the corresponding siRNA duplexes against tumor necrosis factor carrying one, two or four glucose and galactose residues at the 5'-end have been prepared using phosphoramidite chemistry. Carbohydratemodified siRNA duplexes displayed similar or slightly reduced inhibitory properties compared to unmodified RNA duplexes in HeLa cells upon transfection with oligofectamine. When HeLa cells were treated with siRNA carrying one, two or four glucose residues without oligofectamine, no inhibition was observed. The inhibitory properties of siRNA carrying galactose residues without transfecting agent were tested on HuH-7 cells that have abundant asialoglycoprotein receptors. In these cells siRNA carrying galactose residues have slight anti-TNF inhibitory properties (25% in the best case) that are eliminated if the receptors are blocked with a competitor such as a-Dgalactopyranosyl-albumine. These results demonstrate receptor-mediated uptake of siRNA carrying galactose residues although the efficacy of the process is not enough for efficient RNA interference experiments.