The melting behaviour of three carbonated pelites containing 0-1 wt% water was studied at 8 and 13 GPa, 900-1,850°C to define conditions of melting, melt compositions and melting reactions. At 8 GPa, the fluidabsent and dry carbonated pelite solidi locate at 950 and 1,075°C, respectively; [100°C lower than in carbonated basalts and 150-300°C lower than the mantle adiabat. From 8 to 13 GPa, the fluid-present and dry solidi temperatures then increase to 1,150 and 1,325°C for the 1.1 wt% H 2 O and the dry composition, respectively. The melting behaviour in the 1.1 wt% H 2 O composition changes from fluid-absent at 8 GPa to fluid-present at 13 GPa with the pressure breakdown of phengite and the absence of other hydrous minerals. Melting reactions are controlled by carbonates, and the potassium and hydrous phases present in the subsolidus. The first melts, which composition has been determined by reverse sandwich experiments, are potassium-rich Ca-FeMg-carbonatites, with extreme K 2 O/Na 2 O wt ratios of up to 42 at 8 GPa. Na is compatible in clinopyroxene with D cpx=carbonatite Na ¼ 10À18 at the solidus at 8 GPa. The melt K 2 O/Na 2 O slightly decreases with increasing temperature and degree of melting but strongly decreases from 8 to 13 GPa when K-hollandite extends its stability field to 200°C above the solidus. The compositional array of the sediment-derived carbonatites is congruent with alkali-and CO 2 -rich melt or fluid inclusions found in diamonds. The fluid-absent melting of carbonated pelites at 8 GPa contrasts that at B5 GPa where silicate melts form at lower temperatures than carbonatites. Comparison of our melting temperatures with typical subduction and mantle geotherms shows that melting of carbonated pelites to 400-km depth is only feasible for extremely hot subduction. Nevertheless, melting may occur when subduction slows down or stops and thermal relaxation sets in. Our experiments show that CO 2 -metasomatism originating from subducted crust is intimately linked with K-metasomatism at depth of [200 km. As long as the mantle remains adiabatic, lowviscosity carbonatites will rise into the mantle and percolate upwards. In cold subcontinental lithospheric mantle keels, the potassic Ca-Fe-Mg-carbonatites may freeze when reacting with the surrounding mantle leading to potassium-, carbonate/diamond-and incompatible element enriched metasomatized zones, which are most likely at the origin of ultrapotassic magmas such as group II kimberlites.