Institute fu ¨r Kohlenforschung (Mu ¨lheim a.d. Ruhr) with R. Benn investigating 187 Os NMR. In November 1989 he became Profesor Titular at the University of Oviedo, where he started his own research. He moved to the University of Almerı ´a (1996), where he is Professor of Organic Chemistry. His current research activities range from the application of phosphorus-stabilized carbanions in organic and organometallic chemistry to mechanistic studies of reactions involving organometallic species through multinuclear magnetic resonance. G. Ruiz Go ´mez was born in Madrid, Spain. She studied chemistry at the University of Almerı ´a and completed her first degree (Licenciatura) in July 2000. She was awarded a Ph.D. in 2006 for work on dearomatizing reactions of phosphinamides and phosphonamides under the direction of Professor Lo ´pez Ortiz. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow in Professor Lo ´pez-Ortiz's group with interest in the synthesis of non-natural peptides and peptide analogues.