Barium titanate has been prepared by solid-state reaction of nanocrystalline TiO 2 (70 nm) with BaCO 3 of different particle size (650, 140, and 50 nm). The results give evidence of a strong effect of the size of BaCO 3 in the solid-state synthesis of barium titanate. The use of nanocrystalline BaCO 3 already leads to formation of the single-phase BaTiO 3 after calcination for 8 h at 8001C. The final powder consists of primary particles of % 100 nm, has a narrow particle size distribution with d 50 5 270 nm, and no agglomerates larger than 800 nm. For the coarser carbonate, 4 h calcination at 10001C are required and the final powder is much coarser. Solid-state reaction of nanocrystalline BaCO 3 and TiO 2 represents an alternative to chemical preparation routes for the production of barium titanate ultrafine powders.