We report a new one-pot low-viscosity synthetic route to high molecular weight non-ionic water-soluble polymers based on polymerization-induced self-assembly (PISA). The RAFT aqueous dispersion polymerization of N-acryloylmorpholine (NAM) is conducted at 30 °C using a suitable redox initiator and a poly(2hydroxyethyl acrylamide) (PHEAC) precursor in the presence of 0.60 M ammonium sulfate. This relatively low level of added electrolyte is sufficient to salt out the PNAM block, while steric stabilization is conferred by the relatively short salt-tolerant PHEAC block. A mean degree of polymerization (DP) of up to 6000 was targeted for the PNAM block, and high NAM conversions (>96%) were obtained in all cases. On dilution with deionized water, the assynthesized sterically stabilized particles undergo dissociation to afford molecularly dissolved chains, as judged by dynamic light scattering and 1 H NMR spectroscopy studies. DMF GPC analysis confirmed a high chain extension efficiency for the PHEAC precursor, but relatively broad molecular weight distributions were observed for the PHEAC−PNAM diblock copolymer chains (M w /M n > 1.9). This has been observed for many other PISA formulations when targeting high core-forming block DPs and is tentatively attributed to chain transfer to polymer, which is well known for polyacrylamide-based polymers. In fact, relatively high dispersities are actually desirable if such copolymers are to be used as viscosity modifiers because solution viscosity correlates closely with M w . Static light scattering studies were also conducted, with a Zimm plot indicating an absolute M w of approximately 2.5 × 10 6 g mol −1 when targeting a PNAM DP of 6000. Finally, it is emphasized that targeting such high DPs leads to a sulfur content for this latter formulation of just 23 ppm, which minimizes the cost, color, and malodor associated with the organosulfur RAFT agent.