Transition metal-catalyzed [4+ +2+ +1] reactions of dienes (or diene derivatives such as vinylallenes), alkynes/ alkenes, and CO (or carbenes)a re expected to be the most straightforward approacht os ynthesize challenging seven-membered ring compounds, but so far only limited successes have been realized. Here, an unexpected threecomponent [4+ +2+ +1] reactionb etweent wo vinylallenes and CO was discovered to give highlyf unctionalized tropone derivatives under mild conditions, where one vinylallene acts as aC 4 synthon, the other vinylallene as aC 2 synthon, and CO as aC 1 synthon. It was proposed that this reaction occurred via oxidative cyclization of the diene part of one vinylallene molecule, followed by insertion of the terminal alkene part of the allene moiety in another vinylallene, intot he RhÀCb ond of five-membered rhodacycle. Then, CO insertion andr eductivee limination gave the [4+ +2+ +1] cycloadduct. Further experimental exploration of why ene/yne-vinylallenes and CO gave monocyclic tropone derivatives insteado f6 /7-bicyclic ring products were reported here. Scheme1.Vinylallenes in cycloaddition reactionsand an ew development.