“…Besides ( Z )- or ( E )-allylic functions, ,,, cyclic double bond, isolated ( E )- , or ( Z )- , double bond, conjugated ( E )-olefin, ,, or a terminal alkene, the semireduction of isolated alkynes and/or poly skipped diynes also showed a high chemoselectivity in the presence of ( Z , Z )-bis-allylic systems, , but it is also respectful of conjugated 1,3-diene (( E , Z )-diene ,, or ( E , E )-diene , ) and conjugated ( E , E , E )-triene . Thus, this methodology is widely used in the synthesis of natural products such as leukotriene B4, , HETEs, , lipoxins, − 11-hydroxy linoleic acid, and related eicosanoids, but also cyclic PUFA metabolites such as 15-E 2 -isoprostane or pheromones (identification in female gametes of Analipus japonicus) , carotenoids. , …”