The ability to control stereochemistry in substrates where the reactive elements are distal represents a fundamentally important area of investigation that is commonly referred to as long-range asymmetric induction. [1,2] Although there are numerous examples of this phenomenon, a significant limitation with this type of process is the ability to predict the manner in which the chiral group attains proximity to the reactive site in order to translate stereochemical information. The inherent challenge associated with this requirement provided the incentive for the development of a new process where the elements of stereocontrol could be conserved in a predictable manner.[1,2] Herein, we describe a new approach to long-range asymmetric induction using the diastereoselective temporary silicon-tethered (TST) ringclosing-metathesis (RCM) reaction of mixed bisalkoxy silanes 1, derived from an allylic and prochiral alcohol, for the construction of cis-1,4-silaketals 2 (Scheme 1; n = 0). This methodology was also extended to higher homologues (where n=1-4), which resulted in the formation of the opposite trans diastereoisomer. [3][4][5][6][7][8] We envisioned that the TST-RCM of the mixed bisalkoxy silane 1 (Scheme 1; n = 0) should proceed through the favored transition state illustrated in Figure 1. The basis for this hypothesis was the assumption that the substituents (R') on silicon would result in nonbonding interactions with the pseudoaxial propenyl moiety in the disfavored transition state, and thereby prefer the formation of the cis-1,4-silaketal 2. The potential advantage of this approach is that the reactive elements involved in diastereoselection are conserved irrespective of ring size, which should translate into a convenient stereochemical relay, provided the relative orientation of the substituents is maintained in the medium rings. Moreover, the ability for ring-closing metathesis to facilitate the formation of medium and large rings should allow the application of this concept to higher homologues.