Investigation of the roots of Neorautanenia mitis, collected in Rwanda (Central Africa), revealed the presence of three compounds, neotenone [1], dolineone [3], and pachyrrhizine [2], which were previously isolated from Neorautanenia pseudopachyrrhiza, the former name of the title plant. However, neotenone [1], which was previously reported as an optically inactive substance, was isolated now in optically active form for the first time. In addition, four isoflavanone-type compounds were isolated for the first time from N. mitis, including dehydroneotenone [51, neoduline [4], 12a-hydroxydolineone [6], and 12a-hydroxyrotenone [7]. Detailed 360 MHz nmr spectra of all compounds are reported for the first time, providing correction to previously incorrectly reported low resolution data. Also, the 13C-nmr and mass spectral data of all these compounds are reported for the first time. The petroleum ether total extract of N. mitis roots showed significant acaricidal properties that were attributed to the presence of 12a-hydroxyrotenone [7].Neorautanenia species are a widespread group of Fabaceae (Papilionaceae) plants of Central and South Africa and are known for their poisonous properties (1). These plants are used by the native population as fish poison (2-5) and insecticide (6,7), while in the traditional medicine of Central Africa they are used against syphilis (8) and the treatment of female frigidity.4 The possible use of some of these plants for killing bilharziacarrying fresh water snails of the genera Bulinus and Biophalaria has also been reported (9).Several chemical studies have been performed already on Neorautanenia species, among others N. ficifolia (3,14,15), N. edulis (2,4,12,16,18), N. pseudopachyrrhiza (10,11,13), N. amboensis (5,12,17,19), and the related Pachyrrhizus erosus (20)(21)(22). In the course of our investigation on medicinal plants from Rwanda (Central Africa) we investigated Neorautanenia mitis (A. Rich.) Verdcourt (local name "Igitembatenibe" or "Amakubwe") on its insecticidal and acaricidal properties because of some promising