Synthesis of (±)-Nitramine and (±)-Isonitramine by Utilizing Stereoselective Reduction of Ethyl 1-(3-Bromopropyl)-2oxocyclohexanecarboxylate.-By appropriate choice of the conditions the reduction of ester (I) yields either the cis-or trans-located reduction product (II) or (III) preferentially. The mixture can be converted to the amino alcohols (V) and (VI) which can be easily transformed to racemic nitramine (VIIIb) (or isonitramine). -(SENBOKU, H.; HATAZAWA, M.; ORITO K.; TOKUDA, M.; Heterocycles 46 (1997) 413-420; Div. Mol. Chem., Grad. Sch. Eng., Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo 060, Japan; EN)