Of the three closo-carborane isomers (C2B10H12), closo-1,2-carborane has been used most widely in the synthesis of carboranyl amines. However, closo-1,2-carboranes are prone to deboronation to nido-7,8-carborane under various conditions including attack by basic amino groups. In order to overcome this problem, closo-1,7-carboranyl ethyl-, propyl-, and butylamine were synthesized, which should be more stable towards basic deboronation than their closo-1,2-carboranyl counterparts. These closo-1,7-carboranyl amines (5, 18 and 19) were synthesized using two different methods, both starting from the corresponding closo-1,7-carboranyl alkyl iodides (3, 14 and 15). One of the carboranyl alkyl amine (5) was conjugated with folic acid to form a closo-1,7-carborane-folic acid bioconjugate (20).