Purpose.Develop an efficient assessment model for amber placers within the analyzed block involving its content in the samples taken inside the block as well as out of it. Methods. To obtain results, a complex of scientific procedures has been applied consisting of system analysis; generalization; mathematical statistics; mathematical, perfect, and psychical modelling; field experiment; and forecasting. Findings. Methods to assess amber placer reserves have been substantiated. The potential of discrete kriging has been involved inclusive of the search for the best evaluation of amber content within the analyzed block taking into consideration the mineral percentage in the samples taken inside the block as well as out of it. Originality. The research has helped understood that the discrete kriging results help assess average amber content within the square and curvilinear zones tending to the central well (in terms of amber percentage) both in the central well and in wells of the first and second contact zones. Practical implications.Identification of the most efficient technique, assessing amber reserves, improves forecasting reliability of the resources with minimal cost.