The ubiquitous use of p-rich five-membered heterocycles has driven the development of new methods for their synthesis for more than acentury.Here,w edisclose ag eneral and reliable reaction manifold for the construction of highly substituted heterocycles through af acile Lewis-acid-catalyzed oxetane rearrangement. Notably,t his methodology employs ak eto-oxetanem otif as a1 ,4-dicarbonyl surrogate,w hichc an be synthesized using robust alkylation or alkenylation reactions,a nd thus obviates the need to access 1,4-dicarbonyl compounds via umpoled starting materials.W eh arnessed this reactivity to generate ab road range of substituted furans and pyrroles,a nd extended this methodology to produce benzofused versions thereof.Supportinginformation and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article can be found under: https://doi.