DOI: 10.1002/macp.201900496
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Synthesis of Riboflavin‐Based Macromolecules through Low ppm ATRP in Aqueous Media

Abstract: A vitamin‐B2‐based macroinitiator is prepared by esterification of riboflavin with 2‐bromoisobutyryl bromide. Following the “core first” methodology, “phoenix”‐shape (co)polymers with a polar riboflavin core and either a hydrophobic (poly(n‐butyl acrylate) or poly(methyl methacrylate)) or hydrophilic (poly(N‐isopropylacrylamide)‐block‐poly(oligo(ethylene glycol) acrylate) or poly(N‐isopropylacrylamide)‐block‐poly(2‐hydroxyethyl acrylate)) tails are synthesized via low ppm atom transfer radical polymerization p… Show more

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Cited by 39 publications
(27 citation statements)
References 85 publications
(138 reference statements)
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“…Polymerizations without additional reagents, such as reducing agent, initiator and catalytic complex, can be possible by using multi-tasking structures performing several functions at the same time. The excellent example of such a solution is riboflavin-based macromolecule, which has structural elements excited by energy quantum, allowing for successful metal-free polymerization [56]. The polymer materials obtained in this way can be used without hesitation as elements of microelectronics and in the field of biomedical and biotechnological applications, in particular for the needs of tissue engineering and for the production of medical implants.…”
Section: Conclusion and Future Prospectivementioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Polymerizations without additional reagents, such as reducing agent, initiator and catalytic complex, can be possible by using multi-tasking structures performing several functions at the same time. The excellent example of such a solution is riboflavin-based macromolecule, which has structural elements excited by energy quantum, allowing for successful metal-free polymerization [56]. The polymer materials obtained in this way can be used without hesitation as elements of microelectronics and in the field of biomedical and biotechnological applications, in particular for the needs of tissue engineering and for the production of medical implants.…”
Section: Conclusion and Future Prospectivementioning
confidence: 99%
“…The industrial polymerizations are mainly carried out in a normal oil-in-water (O/W) system or an inverse water-in-oil (W/O) system [52,53]. Various polymer structures, including block [27,54], star [55][56][57] and brush [58][59][60], were synthesized in water-dispersed media (microemulsion [61][62][63], miniemulsion [64][65][66], and emulsion [67][68][69][70]). Emulsion and miniemulsion methods belong to a heterogeneous environment ATRP techniques in dispersed media are especially beneficial for obtaining multifunctional polymers with narrow molecular weight distribution (MWD, Mw/Mn, Đ) and a predetermined molecular weight (MW), as segregation and compartmentalization decrease the rate of termination processes [47][48][49].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…To precisely determine the properties of smart materials and to thoroughly drive the action, the knowledge about its chemical structure, thus, its well-defined architecture, is mandatory [ 23 ]. Polymers with predetermined structures and branched architecture are widely provided by atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) techniques, especially with low catalyst concertation avoiding contamination of the final polymer product [ 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 ]. As a result of a precisely controlled equilibrium between active and dormant species driven by catalytic complex, the growth of polymer grafts is precisely controlled and the polymers with predetermined structure and properties are able to receive [ 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 ].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Troxerutin, as a polyphenol structure is an excellent candidate for simple modification with polymers using ATRP according to a “core‐first” method to improve its properties for example, lipophilicity. Currently, external factors 49 such as electric current, 50‐56 light 57‐63 or ultrasonication 64‐68 are the most influential among control systems in ATRP techniques with low catalyst loading. In this field, electrochemically mediated ATRP ( e ATRP) provides a precise control of the ratio between Cu I and Cu II during polymerization process, followed by receiving well‐defined materials by avoiding an undesirable termination reaction and gelation with the increase of molecular weight 69‐72 .…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%