The clinker formation processes results of studies during the raw mixtures burning containing magnetite scarn ores washery wastes are submitted. Chemical and mineral compound, thermal transformations of ore washery wastes are provided. The clinker phase formation features involving the man-made component of the raw mixture, which consist in the lowtemperature interactions activity, the variety of intermediate phases are revealed. A belite formation stages with the participation of actinolite, albite, andradite, grossular, diopside, chlorite, epidote is established to determine by gradual transformations of minerals into intermediate phases of C2AS, C3MS2, out of which C2S is formed at 1000-1300 °C. An alite formation is intensified due to high-temperature belite formation and doping impurities. The possibility of cement clinkers basicity reducing due to the chemical and mineral characteristics of man-made raw materials is substantiated. The influence of rough ore washery refuses on the alite crystallization nature is investigated, which is manifested in the microvolumes formation differing in the amount and viscosity of the liquid phase. The use of polyfractional refuses gristing was revealed to increase the proportion of highly active fine-crystalline alite, contributing to the cement stone strengthening. The thermal calculations results show 18-34 % decrease of heat costs to clinkers formation of different basicity when using ore refuses.