In this article we show for the first time the formation of magnetic supported organic nanowires (ONWs) driven by self-assembly of a nonplanar Fe(III) phthalocyanine chloride (FePcCl) molecule. The ONWs grow by a crystallization mechanism on roughness-tailored substrates. The growth methodology consists of a vapor deposition under low vacuum and mild temperature conditions. The structure, microstructure, and chemical composition of the FePcCl NWs are thoroughly elucidated and compared with those of Fe(II) phthalocyanine NWs by a consistent and complementary combination of advanced electron microscopies and X-ray spectroscopies. In a further step, we vertically align the NWs by conformal deposition of a SiO 2 shell. Such orientation is critical to analyze the magnetic properties of the FePcCl and FePc supported NWs. A ferromagnetic behavior below 30 K with an easy axis perpendicular to the phthalocyanine plane was observed in the two cases with the FePcCl nanowires presenting a wider hysteresis. These results open the path to the fabrication of nanostructured one-dimensional small-molecule spintronic devices. T ailoring material structure at the nanoscale has prompted research on new and exciting properties over the last two decades. This is particularly true for one-dimensional (1D) nanostructures (nanotubes, nanowires, nanorods, or nanobelts) with longitudinal sizes orders of magnitude larger than the cross-sectional sizes.1 Among them, organic nanowires (ONWs) form a family of nanostructures with remarkable optic, electronic, sensing, and wetting properties.2−12 In addition, the development of ONW devices offers potential for low cost and flexible devices and versatility through the molecular design of their building blocks. The methods for the synthesis of these 1D systems generally rely on three approaches including template procedures, solution-phase deposition, and vapor transport. [2][3][4]6,10,13 Condensation from the vapor phase at low pressure (or simply physical vapor deposition, PVD) counts within the last group and presents interesting features such as (i) direct formation of single crystal nanowires with controlled morphology on different substrates; (ii) high adaptability to a large amount of different π-conjugated small molecules; (iii) high growth rate and controlled density of nanowires with appropriated homogeneity; (iv) solventless and one-step synthesis; and (v) straightforward compatibility with other vacuum deposition and processing methods. 2,14−18 The method consists of the low-pressure sublimation of purely organic or metalorganic small-molecules from the bulk crystals counterpart and their condensation on the surface of diverse supports. These molecules self-assemble into supported single-crystal nanowires tens of nanometers in width and several micrometers in length.14,15,18 Such a heterogeneous crystallization process can be enhanced by including nucleation centers at the substrate to trigger the preferential condensation of molecules on those spots.14,15 Formation of ONWs...