We have calculated the full one-loop electroweak (EW) and QCD corrections to the third generation scalar-fermion pair production processes e + e − → γγ →f ifi (f = t, b, τ ) at an electron-positron linear collider(LC) in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM). We analyze the dependence of the radiative corrections on the parameters such as the colliding energy √ŝ and the SUSY fundamental parameters A f , tan β, µ, M SUSY and so forth. The numerical results show that the EW corrections to the squark-, stau-pair production processes and QCD corrections to the squark-pair production processes give substantial contributions in some parameter space. The EW relative corrections to squarkpair production processes can be comparable with QCD corrections at high energies. Therefore, these EW and QCD corrections cannot be neglected in precise measurement of sfermion pair productions via γγ collision at future linear colliders.