Dedicated to Luigi M. Venanzi in memory of his outstanding scientific achievements On the basis of fundamental studies on elementary processes involving allylÀO and acylÀO bond cleavages, various new catalytic processes to convert carboxylic acid derivatives have been realized. The new processes include 1) carbonylation of allyl formates to b,g-unsaturated acids, 2) amination, alkylation, and carbonylation of allylic alcohols, 3) aldehyde synthesis by hydrogenation of carboxylic anhydrides and carboxylic acids, 4) ketone synthesis by combination of the CÀO bond cleavage with transmetallation by organoboronic acids. The processes described here have advantages over the conventional ones in that they are more atom-efficient and halogen-free in realizing the syntheses of a variety of carbonyl-containing compounds under mild conditions.