Of the dopamine analogues synthesized and tested for dopaminergic agonism, the iV-n-propyl-N-substituted homologues induced strong postural asymmetric behavior indicative of dopaminergic action in caudectomized mice when injected intraperitoneally. IV-n-Propyl-IV-phenylethyl-, A-n-propyl-n-pentyl-(HI salt), and A-n-propyl-A-n-butyl-ß-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)ethylamine hydrochloride (2) (0.087 µ /g of body weight) ranked in decreasing order with respect to long-lasting effects in nigra-lesioned rats. In contrast, neither the N-monosubstituted nor the IV,IV-dialkyl analogues possessing identical A-alkyl groups showed dopaminergic effects while the A-methyl-N-substituted analogues demonstrated little or no effect. Analogues with branching IV-alkyl substituents (IV-methyl-IV-isobutyl and Nn-propyl-IV-isobutyl) showed also dopaminergic effects. In contrast to 2, IV-n-propyl-IV-n-butyl-d-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)ethylamine hydrochloride failed to elicit any behavioral effects when tested similarly. The results suggest that the nitrogen substituents may play also an important role in binding to the receptor site by possibly interacting with its hydrophobic regions. Furthermore, in contrast to currently used dopamine agonists in the treatment of parkinsonism, , -disubstituted dopamine analogues can be easily and inexpensively synthesized with a spectrum ranging from short to prolonged dopaminergic effects. In accordance with current trends, one or more of these agonists could be used either alone or in combination with L-Dopa, as required by each patient, to optimize the treatment of Parkinson's disease.The two aporphines, apomorphine (la) and N-npropylnorapormorphine (lb), alleviate the symptoms of