1,2,4-Thiadiazole-Sthione (2a) was synthesized from the corresponding 5-bromo compound. An alternative synthesis of the known 3-methyl-l,2,4-thiadiazole-5-thione is described. It was shown by i.r. spectroscopy that the parent compound and its 3-methyl derivative existed in the thione form in the solid state.Mercuric-l,2,4-thiadiazole-3-thiolate (5) was prepared by cleavage of the corresponding disulfide with mercury. The mercuric salt was converted to a stable (in solution) sodium salt, but the free thio compound was not isolable.Le thiadiazole-1,2,4 thione-5 (2a) a CtC synthCtisC B partir du composC correspondant bromo-5. On dtcrit une nouvelle synthkse du compose connu suivant, le mCthyl-3 thiadiazole-1,2,4 thione-5. I1 a CtC montrk B I'aide de la spectroscopie i.r. que le composC parent et son dCrivC methyl-3 existe h I'Ctat solide sous la forme thione.Le thiolate-3 mercurique de thiadiazole-1,2,4 (5) a CtC prepark par clivage B I'aide du mercure du disulfure correspondant. Le sel mercurique a CtC converti en un sel de sodium stable (en solution) mais le compose thio libre n'a pu Ctre isolC.[Traduit par le journal]Can. J. Chern., 51, 2353 (1973) There are two possible 1,2,4-thiadiazole thiols, and ring-substituted representatives of each isomer are known (2,3), but the parent members have not, to our knowledge, been previously described.